Apr 22, 2020
LANCK Telecom in the CC Global Awards Shortlist

Every year Carrier Community hosts CC Global Awards – a prestigious event that marks operators’ efforts to provide the best telecom services on the market.
Now that the evaluation process has started, Carrier Community announced intermediate results – a shortlist of companies selected among others that have pretensions to win in one or several categories. We are proud to be included in this list and would like to thank Carrier Community for this honor. Being in the shortlist is a great privilege; it is an industry-wide recognition of your achievements and initiatives to make the market better and provide high quality services. The list includes such terrific telecom players as Orange, China Mobile, ibasis, Infobip, Tata Communications, Rakuten Viber, Turkcell and others.
We have been added to shortlist for the following categories:
- Best Global Operator of the year
- Best Regional SMS Service Provider
- Best Global SMS Service Provider – Wholesale Solution
- Customer Experience Excellence
- Best Connecting of Unconnected Operator
- Euro-Asia Regional Operator of the year
- CIS Regional Operator of the year
- Best Voice/Data Service Innovation
- Best Security Solution Provide
- Best Innovative Value Added Service Provider
To achieve this result we were working very hard in 2019-2020: fully launched Fraud Management System, discovered a new type of fraud, became members of i3forum and CFCA, signed ITW GLF Code of Conduct against fraud and much more!
Many thanks to our partners who supported us throughout the application process and provided their recommendations for us. Thank you!
In the future years to come, we will continue to do our best to render the highest quality telecom services, keep on fighting against fraud and come up with new initiatives and innovations aimed at making the telecom market a better place for all its participants.
Stay tuned!